My VisualCV

How important is an Online CV?

One of the emerging ways to put together a great resume is to use an online resume generator. Not only do you save time, but your productivity increases. This allows you to spend more time searching for work and less time putting together a resume that is attractive. Some of these services do charge a nominal fee, others are available to use free of charge. While it’s a good idea to keep your resume updated in terms of skills and experience, it’s also not a bad idea to freshen it up every once in a while. 

Adding a CV to your blog will enable you to create an effective online presence. Imagine that this is a portfolio of all your experiences that you could present to an employer outlining your skills and experience.

In order to complete Leicester Award's Unit 3 I had to:
  • Present a CV with an appropriate style for the industry/sector you are working in/plan to work in
  • Explain your skills and experience relevant to the job
  • Create at least one separate page in your blog for your CV
  • Include a concise and focused career statement
  • Include hyperlinks to project websites, or blog posts for further explanation
  • Include links and widgets to your professional social media profiles

In order to complete this task I have used VisualCV since it allowed me to build dynamic and stylish resumes online, really letting me put as much (or as little) of what I have created or developed out there for potential employers to see. 

Online job hunting (and employee hunting) is growing in leaps and bounds. While the traditional resume may be around for a while, there are plenty of creative templates out there to ensure that we have an advantage when looking for employment. Some people are even going further than that and abandoning resumes altogether, sticking with just an online presence or other alternatives. With online resume generators becoming increasingly popular (and increasingly easy to use), creating a killer online resume and having an online presence is something everyone can – and should – do (
Mike Vardy, 2011)

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